East Midlands snack company Crips has achieved its first national supermarket roll out after securing a deal to launch its new Crips 99Cals lower fat snacks in 300 Morrisons stores nationwide.

The contract follows the success of Crips 99Cals in 50 Tesco stores in the Midlands and 67 Waitrose stores across the country.

It represents a significant step forward for the business, which is also currently negotiating with a number of other household-name retailers, said managing director Gareth Smith.

The firm, which is based at Ingleby, near Derby, and sprang out of the Leicester-based Orange Tree Group of pubs, is now planning a tasting campaign in 100 Morrisons stores.

“This is good news for the company, and good news for fans of Crips 99Cals who will now have more outlets from which to buy the snacks,” said Gareth.

The award-winning crunchy oven-baked wheat and potato snacks, with 70% less fat than traditional fried potato crisps, have been branded to appeal to consumers looking for healthy products.

The move into Morrisons follows strong and positive feedback from customers to its flavours.

“After they became available in Tesco and Waitrose we were constantly being asked why they weren’t on sale more widely,” said Gareth Smith.

“People were telling us they would buy Crips 99Cals more frequently if they were more easily available so we are delighted that we have secured a listing with Morrisons, which is our first national supermarket roll out.”

A spokesman for Morrisons said: “We are pleased that we can now offer our customers Crips 99Cals snacks. This is part of our ongoing commitment to working with individual companies that can provide innovative brands and help satisfy our customers’ demands.”

The inspiration for Crips snacks came from Gareth’s father Brian Smith, from Ingleby, who has been at the forefront of innovation in the food sector for 40 years. Five years ago he shared his ideas for a healthier, oven-baked crisp with Gareth, who jointly runs the Orange Tree Group, which has pubs in Leicester, Nottingham and Loughborough.

Putting together a team of technical experts, the partnership launched Crips in April 2008. It launched its latest brand, Crips 99Cals, in August last year. Available in three flavours – sea salt and balsamic vinegar, mature cheddar cheese and spring onion, and Thai sweet chilli – the 22.5g packs contain just 99 calories.

As well as coming top in independently conducted blind taste tests, beating five leading-brand healthy option snacks on taste, texture and appearance, Crips have also scooped an innovation award from The Food & Drink Forum and an Enterprise Award from the Home-Grown Cereals Authority.

Crips are also sold in Selfridges, Fortnum and Mason and Harvey Nichols, and a range of independent cafés, bars, delicatessens and farm shops across the UK. They are served as club class snacks by British Airways and the firm also exports to Germany, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and Denmark.

Visit www.cripsnacks.com

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