Specialist food and drink producers from across the East Midlands are being invited to take part in an event to showcase their products to buyers in the independent pub trade, catering, hospitality and retail sectors.

Trade association The Food and Drink Forum has teamed up with Everards Brewery to stage the Meet the Buyer event on June 5th at The Griffin Inn, Swithland, in Leicestershire.

It offers the opportunity for producers to promote their food and drink to potential new customers, and at the same time the chance for buyers to discover the latest trends in catering, source new ingredients and gain ideas for revamping their recipes and menus.

The event runs from 10am to 4pm and includes exhibition stands, cookery demonstrations, company presentations, as well as lunch and networking opportunities.

It is being organised as part of the Leicester Food Specialist project, which is providing business support to food and drink manufacturers in Leicester. The Meet the Buyer event, however, is open to food and drink producers and to buyers from the independent pub trade, and the catering, hospitality and retail sectors, from across the East Midlands.

“Meet the Buyer events are an excellent way for producers to showcase their products and for buyers to source new suppliers,” said Fiona Anderson, managing director of the Food and Drink Forum.

“We’re very pleased to be working with Everards Brewery on this event, and hope that both producers and buyers will seize the opportunity to come together for their mutual benefit.”

The event is free to attend for buyers. Food and drink producers in certain areas of Leicester that are part of the Leicester Food Specialist project can also attend free of charge. Contact the Food and Drink Forum for details about eligibility.

The cost of attendance for members of the Food and Drink Forum is £30 plus vat. Other food and drink suppliers can attend the day’s event for £60 plus vat.

Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

For more information or to book, please email enquiries@foodanddrinkforum.co.uk or call 0115 9758810. 

The Leicester Food Project is being run by the Food and Drink Forum, and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Food and Drink Forum and Leicester City Council through the Working Neighbourhood Fund.

Visit www.foodanddrinkforum.co.uk

Press release issued by Nottingham PR company Perfect 10 PR www.perfect10pr.co.uk