Translation services firm PAB Languages has translated almost 10,000 words from English into foreign languages as part of a free service to help businesses and organisations communicate key COVID-19 messages with their staff and associates.

The East Midlands-based company, which works nationally and internationally, stepped up to support communities during the Coronavirus pandemic by sharing its expertise – helping to ensure that critical health and safety messages weren’t lost in translation.

It launched a free translation service of precautionary Coronavirus-related material to businesses and organisations for internal use on 23rd March so that they could easily and swiftly share vitally important information about COVID-19 with their non-English speaking staff and those for whom English is a second language.

Since then, the firm has supported a wide range of customers and clients across the UK. In Lincolnshire alone, PAB Languages provided free support to nine different organisations, including councils and firms working in the food sector, farming industry, and the medical profession.

Now, PAB Languages is calling on any additional companies that need help with translation of internal information related to COVID-19 to get in touch before the deadline for the free support ends on 31st July.

Chief Executive of the PAB Group, Iwona Lebiedowicz, said: “We could see that guiding employees through the COVID-19 crisis and out the other side, ensuring they felt informed, engaged, reassured, motivated and valued, was one of the challenges employers faced. Regardless of their nationality or type of employment contract, more than ever, all employees need communication, empathy and connection.

“The PAB team is proud to have supported the efforts of its clients and others to protect their employees by increasing awareness about Coronavirus. Our input has helped to ensure that no message gets lost in translation and that all employees have been included, respected and supported.”

With its teams working from home, the company translated a range of materials into 11 different languages including Bulgarian, French, Italian, Polish and Romanian.

One satisfied client said : “We would like to say a big thank you to everyone that was involved in providing this free COVID-19 related translation service. I am super impressed with your service and turnaround times. You’ve certainly de-stressed us in helping with the situation.” Another client said: “We would like to acknowledge the invaluable help we have received from PAB Languages. Their team of professional translators has enabled us to get key messages out to all of our residents in multiple languages. They have supplied their services free of charge to help everyone in our diverse community during the coronavirus crisis, and we are hugely grateful for their assistance.”

PAB Languages, which has its East Midlands office based in Nottingham , has been operating for more than ten years and offers translation in over 200 languages for a range of services including technical publications, commercial contracts, marketing materials, and health and safety regulations, along with interpreting, and  language and cross-cultural awareness courses. The business works with local and national government bodies, as well as multinational corporations and SMEs.

To submit your translations, please contact using Reference: COVID-19 aid and email PAB Languages on  or call 07799772360.

For details about the company, and the terms and conditions of the free offer, which ends on 31st July, visit

Perfect 10 PR is a Nottingham-based PR agency specialising in foodservice and construction public relations.