by p10pr | Sep 15, 2016 | Uncategorized
Haughton Honey’s new 900g pot of honey Premium honey brand Haughton Honey has launched a new 900g pot of delicious raw honey. It is believed to be the first brand of raw British honey to be widely available in such a size of container, which is very popular...
by p10pr | Sep 17, 2015 | Uncategorized
This year’s honey harvest is likely to be about a third of the size of last year’s crop after poor weather affected nectar flow, says bee farmer Cris Reeves. Wet weather and cooler temperatures during key times of nectar production over the spring and summer have led...
by p10pr | Apr 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
Bee farmer Cris Reeves is gearing up for a rush in demand for honey ahead of the start of the hay fever season. Thousands of people swear by using raw honey as a natural remedy for streaming eyes and runny noses, saying that it has helped to ease their symptoms and...