by Louise Duffield | Feb 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
Premium honey brand Haughton Honey has launched a new top-quality honey containing CBD. Haughton Honey infused with CBD is made with pure, natural raw honey from the rich fields and ancient oak woodlands of south Cheshire, the Shropshire border and beyond. It contains...
by Louise Duffield | Jun 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Derbyshire farm shop Croots will be opening the gates to the farm on Sunday 9th June as part of a nationwide event to showcase British farming. LEAF Open Farm Sunday is the farming industry’s national open day, with hundreds of farms throwing open their gates to give...
by p10pr | Sep 15, 2016 | Uncategorized
Haughton Honey’s new 900g pot of honey Premium honey brand Haughton Honey has launched a new 900g pot of delicious raw honey. It is believed to be the first brand of raw British honey to be widely available in such a size of container, which is very popular...
by p10pr | Jun 2, 2016 | Uncategorized
Premium honey brand Haughton Honey has created a big buzz by smashing through its £80,000 crowdfunding target and collecting more than £112,000 in investments. Over 200 investors backed the six week campaign which was launched to support the next stage in the...
by p10pr | Apr 6, 2016 | Uncategorized
Cheshire-based business Haughton Honey is celebrating securing its first premium major multiple retailer contract after signing a deal with Booths. It means the high-quality honey brand will be available on the shelves of Booths outlets across the North West,...